
Hoarders Buried Alive Research Paper

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How many reality t.v shows are truly reality; without scripts, acting, or major editing? Reality or not, there is no denying the entertainment that comes from it. With the millions of viewers watching reality t.v, one must think if it has an impact on culture. The answer is yes, it absolutely does, because viewers absorb what they see and in turn motivates, educates, increases public awareness, shapes ideology, desensitises the populace,and connects people.
If you see a person living in a messy, overcrowded, and a dirty environment, learned all about the nasty things living under the piles of junk, and how the person never realized how bad it got, wouldn’t you do something to prevent the same thing from happening? Reality shows motivate people …show more content…

Hoarders:Buried Alive brings make audiences aware of mental illnesses such as compulsive behaviors, anxiety, and depression; Although the show doesn’t list the many other mental illnesses out there, as they are not relateble to the show, it is a starting point for people. The program shows how damaging mental illnesses can be, and hows how helpful it is having others around can be. Although the show doesn’t always explain why the behavior happens or how the illnesses work, it does allow awareness to spread and those who are interested can take their learning further; that's what some shows want, for their viewers to be aware so they can learn and do something about it, like The Biggest Loser. The Biggest Loser tries to spread awareness of obesity and health problems that follow being overweight such as: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, gout, osteoarthritis, and breathing problems. They all can be very serious and harmful to people’s lives. Child obesity is also something The Biggest Loser wants to touch up upon, because healthy parents can help a child with their own health so the future health of our nation won’t be worse and won’t threaten the lives of so many. With awareness comes knowledge and with that come motivation to change one’s way, or help a close one change their …show more content…

Rinehart states in his essay, “...the ruling class has been responsible for the production of the most popular culture industry texts.” (161) Meaning those who rule in power either by money, name, or numbers shape the culture. The reality side of television doesn’t have much money, but does have name[recognizable show] and numbers[viewers]. With enough people looking a certain way on television, people begin to think that is how they are supposed to look. It pushes people, especially young girls, to the extremes. Eating less, exercising excessively, throwing up, just trying anything and everything to achieve the skinny look shown on television, which can cause mental problems such as body dysmorphia which in turn can cause anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and/or binge eating disorder; it is good to strive to be healthy, but there is a line where it will become dangerous and life threatening quickly. “Part of what reality TV teaches us in the early years of the new millennium is that in order to be good citizens, we must allow ourselves to be watched as we watch those around us.” (172) Ouelette and Murray make their point clear, stating how people are [should be] willing to allow themselves to be recorded in life, in security cameras all over the place, to have privacy invaded because that it what is it like for the

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