
Hobbes ' Leviathan Is A Sustained Argument For Why Individual

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Student ID: 413469 PHIL1030 1. Hobbes’ Leviathan is a sustained argument for why individuals ought to prefer a sovereign—any sovereign—over the state of nature. How does Hobbes understand both the state of nature and sovereignty, and what are his reasons for preferring the latter to the former? Hobbes perceives all men to be equal in that one may be strong enough to physically kill one that is weaker, but the weaker may be cunning or skilled enough to kill the stronger through manipulation or alliances with others. This is how Hobbes comes to the conclusion that all men are basically equal, even though their specific strengths may not be. Because of this, men’s hope for attaining what they want is also equal. Therefore, if two men want the same thing, and only one may have it, they compete, becoming enemies, leading them to attempt to put an end to each other (Hobbes, XIII). Since there is this constant struggle to get what you want, protect what you already have, and attain power and glory, all men are continuously in a state of what Hobbes deems war. It is a civil war because there isn’t a common power to rule everyone as every man is for himself. This perpetual civil war makes it pretty much impossible for anyone to function productively let alone make any kind of developments whatsoever. This chaotic state is what Hobbes calls the ‘state of nature’: In such condition there is no place for industry, because the fruit therof is uncertain, and consequently, no culture of

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