
Homeless Dilemmas

Decent Essays

My Dilemma on Bobby
Jennifer is a manager of a big retail company and finds herself with a dilemma on how to properly handle a young man sleeping in his car. Bobby has found himself sleeping in his car for some unforeseen reason, however he is doing his best to get himself out of this situation. He finds a company parking lot that is well lit up (remove up) with a lot of lights and feels safe to park there... In the morning, Jennifer notices the young man sleeping in his car when she opens up the store to let her stocking employees in for the day. However, when the store opens up at normal business hours, the guy has either left the parking lot or has found another spot to park. The manager goes on with her daily duties, thinking nothing of it, until she notices the same car every day after that in the parking lot. She is well aware of what the company policy is for …show more content…

So many homeless people are among us these days because of whatever reason. They are still human and shouldn’t be ignored because they are homeless. I wish people didn’t look at homeless people in such a demeaning way. There are currently 564,708 people in the U.S. that are homeless. According to a recent report done in June of 2016, over half a million people were living on the streets, in cars, in homeless shelters, or in subsidized transitional housing during a one-night national survey last January. Of that number, 206,286 were people in families, 358,422 were individuals, and a quarter of the entire group were children. As shocking as these statistics are, there are so many great organizations working tirelessly to end homelessness in the U.S. and around the world. People should get inspired by their work and success, continue reading some of the (delete some of the) Social Solutions case studies that feature clients who work with the homeless population, instead of turning a blind eye and ignoring

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