
Homelessness Is More Than Ruthlessness Essay

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Homelessness is about more than ruthlessness. A home is not just a physical space; it also has a legal and a social dimension. A home provides roots, identity, and a sense of belonging and a place of emotional wellbeing. Homelessness is about the loss of all of these. It is an isolating and destructive experience and homeless people are some of the most vulnerable and socially excluded in our society.
After years of declining trends, 2010 marked the turning point when all forms of homelessness began to rise. However, it is likely that homelessness will increase yet further, as the delayed effects of the economic downturn, cuts to housing benefit and other reforms all start to bite.
A survey of people experiencing homelessness found that over 70 per cent were suffering from a physical health problem. This included respiratory problems, joint and muscle problems and stomach problems.
There are many reasons why a person becomes homeless lack of affordable housing, loss of a job, divorce, illness, substance abuse, domestic abuse. One of the first steps you can take toward helping the homeless is trying to understand how they got there in the first place.
Homeless people can be affected by various situations such as health and mental issues, family issues and having no job. The government currently offers food banks, job training and housing, but not to every homeless person. This is wrong because it would not be fair to other people, the government should offer this help to all

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