
Homework And Stressing Problems For Students

Decent Essays

Homework causes a lot of problems for students, so reducing it to one page for each class a night will improve their overall well being and performance at school. Teachers assign hours of homework at night which most students do not have the time to do especially when they want to have a gregarious life outside of school. These problems were well known to Sarah a student in tenth grade. Sarah had everything going for her, she was popular, on varsity sports, along with being in the band. She had a job, taking drivers ed, along with having quality family time. Sarah, although seems impeccably fine on the outside, was actually suffering immensely. Her grades started slipping from the lack of time she had. Teachers drowned her with homework which she had no time to do. Her normal day was consisted of waking up at six going to school all day then having basketball which goes till at least nine o'clock at night. By the time she got home she's mentally drained but she she has mountains of homework to do. Not to mention she needed to shower and eat dinner. As she's in her room she completely melts down from the pressure and lack of time she has as she stays up until midnight endeavoring to finish her homework resulting in less than six hours of sleep. Homework causes a great deal of stress within students. Homework is suppose to “show what you know” as teachers put it, but when students don’t understand any of the work, how is that benefiting them? Stress can lead to many

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