
Honor In The Outsiders

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The outside tells the story of two groups of teenagers whose bitter rivalry stems from there diffrences in there social class,. however they share something in common. cherry valance, a soc, and ponyboy, a greaser, they discuss their shared love of literature, popular music and sunsets and by doing so they briefly transcend the fueds of thier respected groups. ponyboy starts to relize that shared passion can fuse the gaps between the groups. over the course of the novel ponyboy begins to see the pattern of shared experiences and he realizes that both member of both groups must inevitably come to terms with fear.

The idea of honor appears throughout the novel, and it works as an important component of the greaser moral code greaser see it as there duty to stand up for each other in the face of enemies and the authorites. We see act of honorable act from dally wintson, a greaser who has had trouble before, ponyboy tells us that dally let himself be arrested for a crime that two-bit had committed. acts like this show that there …show more content…

Ponyboy first refrences a book in Chapter 1, when he compares himself to Pip from Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations. Ponyboy identifies with Pip because he, like Pip, is orphaned, and struggling to make sense of the world. Also Ponyboy and Johnny put special emphasis on Robert Frost’s a poem that helps them understand that growing up and facing reality is a necessary part of life. Finally, Johnny compares Dally to a Southern gentleman in Gone with the Wind. Having this idealized vision of Dally makes Johnny able to understand him. this literature helps pony make a connection to others character as when he discusses books with Cherry and reads to Johnny. We find out at the novel’s end that the narrative of The Outsiders is in fact an autobiographical work that Ponyboy is writing in order to pass his English

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