
House Of Usher Setting

Decent Essays

Mysterious, captivating, dark, and eerie are some factors that can come to mind when considering the stories composed by Edgar Allan Poe. The Fall of the House of Usher is no deviant from those factors, and leads to many open doors of observation. From the very beginning Poe encloses the setting within an eerie mood, bringing readers though the gothic archway leading to a house of sorrow, foreboding fear all throughout.
Poe’s horror setting development is both symbolic and descriptive. “The Fall of the House of Usher is merely an adventitious product of atmosphere” (Darrel, 380). Darrel points out the double importance of the descriptiveness of the setting and the symbolism, because often the elements of horror are solely accredited to the descriptions themselves. The description presents a visual for the reader, meanwhile, symbolism is an active element that provides with all of the meanings and functions. All objects, settings, and characters are …show more content…

“The pervading subject of death has not been closely enough linked to the themes of fear and madness” (Frank, 314). As Usher attempts to rid of his twin half, Lady Madeline, he is essentially signing his death. As life and death brings division to them, Lady Madeline will eventually reemerge, and fear will strike Usher in a way he would never expect as she could be heard her from her grave, eventually falling upon Usher. Fear is the prevail of The Fall of the House of Usher, and it’s brought up through various forms, whether descriptively, or symbolically, and it supplies the mood and details. The entirety of the story heavily lies on the concept of fear, and with that it is necessary to bring it out in many forms. The fear that is brought up in various forms is to shape the story and establish a sense of terror within every object, image, and description, and it is evoked in high

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