
House On Mango Street Research Papers

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The House on Mango Street, is a great book for high school students to read, it talks about a lot of different topics that need to be talked about like gender, neighbors, tradition, family, shame, obligation, and denial. Almost no topic is ignored with this book buried in a 110 paged book. Its written by Sandra Cisneros where she portrays a character named Esperanza Cisneros, whose name means ¨hope” a named her inherited from her grand-mother, but didn't want her faith of being a housemaid always looking out the window wishing what she could have been or done with her life, Esperanza was a 12 year old chicana, Latin-American girl who just moved to the middle of Chicago in a tiny red crumbled down house in a poor neighborhood where there made up almost entirely of immigrants of Mexico, but also includes African american people. Esperanza was embarrassed of her family's poverty several times she hinds the fact that she's poor or lives in a tiny crumbled down house by saying she lives in different houses every time she is asked and with her family that is always moving from place to place, that makes it harder …show more content…

She is also aware of all the different sexual aggressions there are out there, like one time when a older man forced himself on her and tried kissing her and another time when a weird boy at a carnival tried to rape her. But Esperanza's only three friends don't have it any easier, Her friend named Alicia who her mother had died and was forced by her father to do everything around the house and would make her wake up early and make tortillas for the family and her other friend named Sally that was such a beautiful girl that was beaten almost constantly by her father and then there mirvana who was a mother of two kids but she was constantly beaten and cheated on by her husband. But Esperanza's mom would always

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