
How Are Rose Mary And Rex Walls Fit Parents

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Are rose mary and rex walls fit parents
In the memoir "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls, Jeannette tells the story of events that happened in her life. Rex and rose mary walls are not fit parents. They aren't fit parents because they didn't have jobs to provide for jeannette and her siblings and they were addicts. Rex was addicted to alcohol and rose mary was addicted to ……………. . it was rare when the walls parents had jobs, when they did they'd end up spending it on something else other than their needs. Rex would end up going to the bar and spending half his paycheck there and then bringing the very little that was left back. sometimes rose mary and rex walls would be great parents because they are letting their childeren be independent, but simotaneously, that's not good because that one time rosemary let jeannette be independent and cook herself a hot dog at age 3. Jeannette caught herself on fire. Rose mary would have cooked the hot dog for jeannette but she didn't she was in the other room painting. She could have prevented the burn accident from happening. …show more content…

They might say that because jeannette knew how to read by the age of 3 or even the fact that lori was intelligent. I see where those people are coming from. But they aren't exactly right. If rose mary and rex walls were fit parents they would probably be financially and mentally stable. Rex walls is definitely not a fit parent because he is an alcoholic who spends all his money on alcohol. So by the time he gets home half of his paycheck would be gone. Rose Mary is more of a fit parent then rex thats for sure. They're both addicts but rosemary seems to want their family to be successful. Rex wants that too but he doesn't show it. Like in one part of the book rosemary suggest they should move in with his parents that way they can settle somewhere for a little. But he disagrees. They do end up moving in with his parents throughout the

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