
How Capitalism Promotes An Unfair Gender Biased System Essay

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In a society where capitalism is continuing to grow while creating an unfair system for women, leads to a bigger issue. Similarly, in this paper I will be discussing capitalism and its connection to the gender biased system that it creates in today’s society. This system results in many disadvantages for women, while on the other hand, men seem to be unaffected. Capitalism ultimately promotes a gender biased system in which the monetary status is upheld due to women rather than men. In the opening of this paper I will introduce Karl Marx’s theory of capitalism by explaining how it functions, its role in the alienation of the individual, as well as the key players of this system. Throughout this paper I will also introduce four ideas that connects back to my thesis of how capitalism promotes an unfair gender biased system in which the monetary status is upheld due to women rather than men. Firstly I will explain how this idea is shown through the marketing of female hygiene products. Next I will briefly explain one of the most common forms of sexism through the price differentiation of women’s razors versus men’s. Thirdly, I will explain how this idea is shown towards women through the marketing of a form of contraception known as the morning after pill in comparison to the easy accessibility to condoms for men. Finally, I will discuss how this idea can be seen through the pricing of female versus male clothing. On the other hand, frequently throughout this paper I will

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