
How Did African Americans Build Tension Between 1856 And 1856

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The Republicans undoubtedly utilized a great amount of opportunistic fortitude and orchestrated a rapid rise into prominence. There was most definitely (an emphasis on the moral superiority of the Republicans' stance). Some dramatic events which occurred between 1855 and 1856 intensified their growing power due to the need for structure essentially. During the 1854 and 1855 elections, hundreds of pro-slavery Missouri residents casted unscrupulous ballots in Kansas (Pg 491- Foner).
President Franklin Pierce quickly replaced the territories governor, Andrew H. Reeder, due to the friction he caused with the settlers from free states. The events caused disagreement and strife, this lead to a civil war within the state of Kansas. The fact that over 200 people were killed in this war, in itself is cause for concern. …show more content…

Essentially, this verifies the precedents that people without a sense of direction become more or less a bit drastic and irrational. The raiders crashed into Lawrence and the sleepy townsfolk were taken entirely by surprise.
The truth was that for many this would mean their demise. According to one survivor, (Rev. Richard Cordley, "One saw the dead everywhere, on the sidewalks, in the streets, among the weeds in the gardens." The marauders evidently avoided killing women, or daughters, but would often kill husbands or sons in front of them.) The reality of the disaster in Lawrence was that some of the marauders most likely used it as an excuse, the fact of having a reason to revolt and display their psychotic side.
During this time the abolitionist John Brown led a raid on Pottawatomie Creek, killing five supporters of slavery. His end came many years later, but ultimately was also the final chapter in the story, a story which he had a large hand in writing. The story truly was filled with a violent tone, Americans learned to hate and kill each

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