
How Did Anne Bradstreet Impact Society

Decent Essays

Anne Bradstreet was recognized as the first woman poet in America. Her first collection of poetry, The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up, received considerable attention when it was first published in London in 1650 and later in America. Her success came from the strong Puritan faith while resisting the difficulty of life which made her life and work unique. Bradstreet’s family was one of the British colonialist families that came to America in 1630. British colonies had a great impact on the history and literature of America during the sixteen and seventeen century. Bradstreet’s family resided in New England and contributed to creating civilized societies based on pure religious belief. Puritans were a reforming group of English Protestants, who tried to purify the church and return to the early simplicity of Christianity in the 16th century. They were active socially, religiously, and politically …show more content…

Her family gave her privileges to acquire better coincidence for speaking up for her right and express her feelings with confidence. When she was seven years old in 1619, her father, Thomas Dudley, worked as steward of the Earl of Lincoln and brought the family to the Earl’s estate, “which was comprised of Tattershall Castle and Sempringham Manor in County Lincolnshire. Anne found herself catapulted into a culturally and intellectually stimulating atmosphere” (Nichols 22). At the same time, they enjoyed the luxurious and civilized life of England on Earl Lincoln property. Anne was her father’s favorite daughter, which gave her the privilege of receiving domestic tutoring. Additionally, the family had access to Earl Lincoln’s library, helping her to read literature, science, and history in Greek, Latin, French, Hebrew as well as English. Wilson maintained, “Anne grew up among the nobility. Her opportunities for enlightening reading and study were great. She was surrounded by vigorous Puritan aristocracy”

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