
How Did Beowulf Change In Anglo Saxon Culture

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Anglo-Saxons were a group of people who settled in the main part of Britain. Their culture soon became the basis for the English culture but as time changed so did the culture of the Anglo-Saxons. The Anglo-Saxons’ early belief gave them little hope so they turned their belief to Christianity, which brought them a new kind of happiness. That happiness is what Beowulf believed throughout his battles. He also had belief that if he died in battle that was the will or his fate from god. While Beowulf believed in one god Achilles worship more than one. Achilles is from a place called Greece and Greeks believe in mythology. Greek mythology is belief in Greek gods and goddesses. All of Greece believed in Greek mythology so he wasn’t the only one. So these two are soldiers with the help of the god or gods. Beowulf and Achilles are two epic heroes in two different stories that react differently and believe in different gods but both still fight to the finish. …show more content…

Which “No Dane doubted the victory...(355)” and knowing that people honor him for his battles and his eagerness to fight that gives Beowulf a boost in his ego. Without his pride it would be hard to picture the strong and courageous Beowulf we all read about because then he would be without all the characteristic of what an epic hero should be. Though his pride may make Beowulf but it also was what broke him like the time when he announced he would be the only one to kill the dragon even though he was old he still wants to seek fame. Just like the time he was eager to fight Grendel at his lair. He was not afraid to seek Grendel out or kill him in his lair not knowing who or what would be in the monster’s lair when he went in. That was just how powerful Beowulf’s pride was. Although out of this entire epic hero’s personality pride would be his most efficient, which is a really good thing considering the battles he has

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