
How Did Charlemagne Pursue The Power Of Religion

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Charlemagne felt that he had all of this power because of his strong belief in god. People proclaimed that Charles and louis “as lovers of justice. Champions of the Christian faith and protectors of churches” (Miller 111) Charlemagne had strong ties with the church which helped him to obtain more power. He would use the church name sometimes to express a certain action such as going war with the Saxons. Saxons had a polytheism religion and Charlemagne did not like so he would use the name of god to attack other tribes that is neighboring the Frankish kingdom. He also felt that helping the churches was important because Charlemagne felt that if he pleased god by doing certain actions then he would receive blessings. People thought that Charlemagne was trying to please god by doing certain action so they can reach to god’s heaven. …show more content…

Charlemagne not only help in spreading of Christianity throughout Europe but he made sure that the Churches were running well and spreading the word of god effectively. Christianity “give full to religious and ideological factors as motivating forces for Charlemagne aristocracy” (95 Story). Charlemagne had a story mental focused towards his goal was because he felt that god was supporting him and that he was spreading the word of god. If some churches were noting doing well in his Kingdom, then he would help the churches a lot and made sure that they were in order. When certain churches were facing hardships then he would send help such as sending wealth or protection from other people who are harming them in anyway. He had a kind heart towards the church because he was a very religious person and felt that it was an important part to his

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