
How Did Chinese Patriarchy Change Over Time

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In what ways did Chinese patriarchy change over time, and why did it change?
During the Hang Dynasty patriarchy was defined and linked with Confucian ideology. It was know as the Yang representing masculine and related to heaven while the Yin representing feminine and weakness. The role of women during this time was mostly domestic. The idea of “ Three Obediences” was common in China this signification a women’s subordination first to her father, then to her husband and then to their son. Customs that ancients practiced when a baby girl was born also show the inferiority and subordination that she will be place in the future. Under this ideology very few women were allowed to exercise political authority, specially mothers because they were considered wise counselors for their sons. However, peasants women did not follow all this rules since their labor was required on the fields. …show more content…

Daoism and Buddhism was introduced after nomadic people invaded northern China. The initial idea of patriarchy changed as people noticed that in nomadic people’s culture women were far less restricted. By the times of Tang Dynasty women were considered capable of handling legal affairs and were also allow to do activities that were originally created for only men. During this dynasty legal codes were created to recognize women's right to inherit property. A clear evidence of how patriarchy was changing was the reign of Empress Wu, the only woman ever to rule china. She wanted to elevate the role of women in China. The growing popularity of Daoism encourage an acceptance of female virtues rather than the original Confucianism ideology. The introductions of new ideas and religions to China didn't meant and end to patriarchy, however, it showed a more subtle way to see

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