
How Did Christopher Columbus First Voyage

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Christopher Columbus’ letter which reflected on his first voyage was both interesting and shocking. Although the primary source is titled Letter on His First Voyage, the overall document appeared to be more about the Native Americans that Columbus encountered on his trip. Christopher Columbus began the letter by stating that he had discovered many islands and he presented each island with a new Spanish name. He then continued to describe the Juana and Española islands. According to Columbus, the island of Española had very fertile land, many harbors, rivers, spices, and mines of gold. The Juana island was not described in as great detail. Based on Columbus’ description of the island, it was clear that he was extremely interested in obtaining it. However, Christopher Columbus could have been exaggerating about how beautiful the island was in order to make the Spanish feel that the voyage was a positive investment. Based on the last primary source I read on the Ottoman Empire taking over Constantinople, it is not uncommon for people to exaggerate an event or object in to make it more intriguing. …show more content…

Christopher Columbus described the Native Americans appearance, what weaponry they used, and how they acted to King Ferdinand of Spain. All native men and women were naked, they had no iron or steel weapons in their possession, and they seemed timid. Since the Native Americans appeared to be shy and lacked the weaponry the Spanish had, Columbus probably felt that it would be easy for them to conquer the islands. The letter was difficult to understand at some points because it appeared that he was trying to help the Native Americans by giving them cloth and other supplies, but it is known that he ends up taking the land away from them. Perhaps he was trying to act helpful and offer them goods, in order to gain their trust and then take away their

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