
How Did George Shoot Lennie Justified

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Even though George looked out for Lennie, George was justified to shoot Lennie because Lennie hurt others and made things hard for George. To start, George made the right decision because of Lennie’s likelihood to hurt his surroundings. After Lennie sits in the barn for a while the narrator tells us what happened to the puppy. The narrator says “‘And Lennie said softly to the puppy “Why do you got to get killed? You ain't so little as mice. I didn't bounce you hard.”’ In this quote Lennie has hurt more of his surroundings because his tendency to hurt others meaning he is most likely to keep hurting people. Next George is justified because Lennie makes things hard on George. After Bucking Barley George reveals what happened in Weed. “‘Well he seen this girl in a dress… he wants to touch everything he likes… The guys in Weed start a party out to lynch Lennie… so we sit in the irrigation ditch all the rest of the …show more content…

George and Lennie had gone through so much together, in chapter 3 it shows ‘“When his Aunt Clara died, Lennie just come along with me working.”’ George said. (Steinbeck 40). They stuck together for a long time and became very close. When George talked about the time he told Lennie to jump off a bridge into water and Lennie actually did it, you can see how the two of them were close. Seeing how close they were and everything they've been through, it's easy to see why someone would argue that George wasn't justified. Although Lennie needed to be shot because of him making things harder for George and him hurting others, he was going to die either way. He mad all the people around him mad after what he had done to Curley’s Wife, people were out to get him. George just did it the nice way instead of Lennie having to go through probably much worse than just being

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