
How Did Martin Luther Contribute To The Peasant Reformation

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During the sixteenth-century there were significant movements to reform the church and society during this time. One significant person who was known during the times of the sixteenth-century reformation was a man named Martin Luther who was known for making a Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther was a monk who had writings opposed against the church. For example, his theology on the salvation of the church, and indulgences are ones that opposed the Church’s traditions. Writings such as these that discussed the wrong doings of churches and his opposition against them resulted into an uproar of peasants in 1525. This was known as the German Peasant Revolt. The peasants based their rebellion on the views of Martin Luther’s preachings on the organization of the church. Luther rejected the demands of the peasants because they based their rebellion on; violence, force, and misuse of the Bible for justification behind their …show more content…

Luther defends his claim that the peasants are going against God, by saying that it is not their place to punish the wicked, but it is only God’s place to (Luther, 147). Luther feels that the peasants are trying to overpower what God has put in order and this will result in them being disproved by God, to support this he quotes Romans 13:2. To sum up, in Luther’s opinion, the peasant’s forceful stand to change the social and political structure was a way of going against the political authority that was issued by God, also meaning as stated before, a way of going against God. Lastly, another reason Luther rejected the peasant’s demands were because, they appealed to the “Word of God” as justification of the revolt. Luther immediately ruled this reason out, saying that their revolt was not justified by his word (God) and said it was

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