‘’Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of god’s children’’. Dr Martin Luther King really had an impact on society and, my life. He was a big part in changing the law of segregation. He also made it so that I could know my best friend, Nelly, and she means the world to me. King also made it so we could all have equal rights.
King changed my life and society. King believed that everyone should be treated the same no matter what race,religion or gender they were. I don't understand how people could think that just because they're white means there any better than someone who is black.Or if someone thought males should be treated better than females. He showed civilians everywhere that were all the same. We are all the same, and we are all equal. We are all human beings, we are all gods
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Martin Luther King wanted black people to have the right vote, just as if they were white. He wanted black people to have any rights a white person had. He believed regardless your race you should have the right to vote, and the right to an education, and anything else that white people had the right to do. He wanted his four children to have the rights that a white child had. He wanted his children to be able to join hands with all the other children, regardless their races. He made us all equal.
Another one of my many examples on how king impacted my life was he made it possible for me to know my best friend Nelly.King made it so that I could go to the same schools as her, and he made it so that everyone treats her with the respect she deserves. If most people still treated people differently because of their race and if people still thought black people couldn't have a education, I wouldn't know Nelly. She wouldn't have gone to my school, and we would not have met in 2nd grade. King made it so I could know her, he stood up for what he believed, and because of what he did, I got to know
and his speech, “ I Have A Dream”, he help take a big step in breaking the racial barrier. In his speech, King talks about how everyone should be treated equally despite their race or how he states it, the color of their skin. Then the famous part “I have a dream…”, in these segment he states of different ways he dreamed on how Black and Whites would get along peacefully in the future. Not only is it his most famous speech but it is important to the history of the United States. Without it racism wouldn't be close to being over.
One unique quality that anyone King has affected can tell you, is how committed he was to his cause. Most people, if it came down to life or death, would back out and try to save themselves, but King was willing to die, just so all blacks then and in the future could experience a life with out segregation, without prejudice, and without discrimination.
King changed the lives of African Americans by standing up to the churches and fought for what he believed in so much he ended up in jail. Thoreau wanted changed in
He knew what African Americans needed and deserved, and that’s what he fought for. According to Document#4, King states that in order to have a “healing context” in the classroom, all races needed to be together. This means that separating black and white people wasn’t going to help, it was only going to harm and he didn’t want that. His ideas for African-Americans were the best because he’d set good goals to achieve complete equality and liberation for black people. In addition, he knew that responding with violence would’ve been counterproductive and a bad idea for African Americans.This shows that he really knew that in order to achieve equality, black and white people couldn’t be separated and he also knew that violence was not a
King was one of the most important people in the civil rights movement and led to greatly change the country. He helped create equality for all. King never got to see what his work lead to though, because on April 4, 1968 he was murdered right in front of the door to his motel room. King might not have seen the world that he helped create through his work, but everyone alive today can. He has shown us that if the cause is just and your will is strong anything is
King had an impact on many people and supported equal rights for
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a man of great honor who defended the rights of all. He was an activist, a beam of hope and most importantly an inspiration to all. Today he continues to serve as an inspiration and a model to stand up for what we believe in. Dr. King has impacted my life in many ways. Most importantly I have learned from him that I must fight for what I believe in and that there will be sacrifices to make on the way but they will be worth it in the end.
Dr. King believed in equality. He wanted every man and woman to have the same rights. No matter what gender or race, Dr. King wanted everyone to be equal. Even though slavery ended in 1865, colored people were still not treated fairly.
There is no more “ Get in the back you're not the right skin color” . Dr. Martin Luther King jr’s speech was so inspirational that he won the Nobel Peace Prize for being honorable. Martin luther king has affected my life by stopping racism, giving freedom to everyone, and making everybody equal. He has had a big impact on everyone's life.
One reason i think martin luther king had an impact on the world is because of his speech. He is the reason why blacks and whites do things together now days. Hes why we don't treat black people like slaves. He had the dream of being accepted for who he is. He was tired of people being mean to him. He didn't like that he had to do different things because of the color he was. He didn't want his kids to grow up being treated unfairly because they are black. It wasn't there fault they were the color they are.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr revolutionized race relations in the 1900’s and for the future. Now, color of skin isn’t of any factor to be self determining. Matters can only become better in the future; we’ve gotten this far in America and we can go even further. Dr. King forever changed the way that others perceived African Americans. He greatly helped along the movement to desegregate water fountains, bathrooms, busses, restaurants, and restore hope.
Thirdly, King was empathetic as well as understanding towards his followers. King was able to relate to those affected by the injustices of segregation motivating them to continue down the path with him and trek onward to a brighter tomorrow. The techniques King used to inspire millions of people were what motivated them to respond to his desperate call for
Martin Luther King Jr. is a well known and an inspiring man to all cultures of the world. King was and still is one of the most influential heroes. King 's views and believes helped African Americans through the 50 's and 60 's to the rights and liberties that was their right. King faced many obstacles on his journey, things like jail and even assassination attempts. Despite these obstacles, he became a successful leader during the Civil Rights Movement and after his death, by guiding African Americans in a non-violent and positive direction for the fight to secure rights and equality for blacks.
Martin Luther King Sr. fought against racial prejudice, not just because his race suffered, but because he considered racism and segregation to be an affront to God's will. He strongly discouraged any sense of class superiority in his children which left a lasting impression on Martin Jr (Bio: Martin Luther King Jr.). Since Martin Luther King had a dream he majorly impact America by standing up for what he thought was right. Martin Luther King fought to stop segregation with his speech “I Have a Dream.” In his speech “I Have a Dream” he spoke about
King organized marches, speeches, and much more to motivate the Africans of America to fight for their rights. MLK had a way with words. He spoke eloquently and would get people on board and able to follow him to pursue a better outcome. MLK allows promoted nonviolence. His political philosophy and strong beliefs helped lead our nation to the racial justice we have today.