
How Did Martin Luther King Changed My Life

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‘’Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of god’s children’’. Dr Martin Luther King really had an impact on society and, my life. He was a big part in changing the law of segregation. He also made it so that I could know my best friend, Nelly, and she means the world to me. King also made it so we could all have equal rights.

King changed my life and society. King believed that everyone should be treated the same no matter what race,religion or gender they were. I don't understand how people could think that just because they're white means there any better than someone who is black.Or if someone thought males should be treated better than females. He showed civilians everywhere that were all the same. We are all the same, and we are all equal. We are all human beings, we are all gods …show more content…

Martin Luther King wanted black people to have the right vote, just as if they were white. He wanted black people to have any rights a white person had. He believed regardless your race you should have the right to vote, and the right to an education, and anything else that white people had the right to do. He wanted his four children to have the rights that a white child had. He wanted his children to be able to join hands with all the other children, regardless their races. He made us all equal.

Another one of my many examples on how king impacted my life was he made it possible for me to know my best friend Nelly.King made it so that I could go to the same schools as her, and he made it so that everyone treats her with the respect she deserves. If most people still treated people differently because of their race and if people still thought black people couldn't have a education, I wouldn't know Nelly. She wouldn't have gone to my school, and we would not have met in 2nd grade. King made it so I could know her, he stood up for what he believed, and because of what he did, I got to know

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