
How Did Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

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1. There are many characters in the novel, Fahrenheit 451 who had a massive impact and influence on the main character, Guy Montag, and caused him to change in many ways. One character who greatly influenced Montag and aided in his change of personality and beliefs was his neighbor Clarisse, a bright teenage girl who had a curious nature unlike any person Montag had met before. When compared to other children her age, Clarisse was considered an outcast and strange but her optimism, love for the many beautiful things on earth, and the values taught to her by her family members helped to inspire Montag to begin exploring nature and the earth, and to really begin thinking and questioning the integrity of his job as a fireman. Another character that helped influence Guy Montag was Professor Faber. Faber, an English teacher who almost did not go through with helping Montag due to his cowardice, ended up greatly helping Montag through the treacherous future events that he would experience. One of the most beneficial and influential things that Faber did to help Montag was influencing Montag's words by guiding him through the the questions asked by the sly Captain Beatty in the firehouse. …show more content…

In the novel, Fahrenheit 451, there are many conflicts that arise when people are caught reading or possessing any type of books. One such conflict is that the person who caught them will report to the firemen, putting there own house and possessions in jeopardy. Another conflict that arises is that shortly after the firemen reach your home, you will no longer have a home or any place to stay as the firemen burn the house and all the books down to the ground. Finally, if the person caught is brave or foolish enough to go on the run such as Guy Montag did, then they must face the mechanical hound and a large group of authorities on a manhunt to find, stop, and terminate

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