
How Did Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

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A politician named Mary Brandbury once said, “It's never too late to do the right thing”. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the main character, his name being Guy Montag was a firemen. In the contrary of today's society, Firemen actually were in charge of burning, specifically burning books to prevent minorities from getting offended. Montag realized he was doing the wrong thing and came to the conclusion that it wasn't too late. Montag changed throughout the whole novel. He started by being and discontent man living an ordinary live, then he started to think more and proceeded to become thoughtful, then he stopped thinking and started acting, then finally reached his freedom and became liberated. At the beginning of the …show more content…

Clarisse Mclellan started it all. She would question the society and question it with Montag, this made him think. Certainly the topic that made Montag start rethinking his society was the death of a particular old lady. Furthermore this old lady. This lady was hiding books, and the fireman found out, so they burnt her house. The lady claimed to be empty without her books so she stayed in the burning house. “There must be something in books to make a women want to stay in a burning house, there must be something there” (pg 48). As it says in the passage, Montag wandered what is so special about books that would make a woman stay in a burning …show more content…

This caused him to be wanted. The various conflicts he had enabled him to become liberated. Montag's first conflicts was that he couldn't read books freely, he would always be worrying if anyone is watching, where does he hide the books, and the consequences if someone finds out. Of course Montag was also wanted because he killed 3 firemen, including the chief (Beatty). Montag doesn't have to worry about his conflicts anymore because he escaped the city, to live with a group that has similar thoughts as Montag. “The river was mild and leisurely going away from the people that ate shadows for breakfast and steam for lunch and vapor for supper. This river was very real, it held him comfortably and gave him the time at last, the leisure to consider this month, this year” (pg 133-134). In this passage Montag talks about the river as himself, as he says the river was going away from the people that ate shadows for breakfast. Additionally this is the point of the story where Montag starts breaking free from

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