Status reports of Robert Peters a Philadelphian in the Continental Army
April 22nd 1775 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The shots have been fired and there is no turning back. Minutemen and redcoats have clashed at Lexington and Concord. After almost a decade of tyranny and taxation without representation, the fight has begun and i am to make my way to enlist in the continental army.
July 5th, 1775 Cambridge, Massachusetts
Our commanding general george washington has taken command, he has come to Cambridge, Massachusetts to take command in our current positioning around Boston.
March 18th, 1776 Boston Massachusetts
Boston is ours again!in the past weeks we have been in Dorchester to start fortifying the area.
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With no casualties and moral at a new high, we might actually win this war.
Winter, 1778 Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
We have taken our winter quarters at valley forge. Food and supplies are at an all time low and i am lucky enough to be of the ones who still have shoes and a coat. Disease and sickness have started and there are rumors of a military trainer arriving in the coming weeks but by the looks of it, by the time he is here there will be no one to train.
October 19, 1781 Yorktown, Virginia
Victory after victory we come to the end. Lord cornwallis has retreated after almost 3 weeks of fighting. With the generous help of the french we have triumphed and to finally go home knowing that we are all free men.
As a soldier in the Revolutionary war, Robert peters faces many battles and hardships along with the army and the new nation. From the beginning, as a loyal patriot, peters fought with all of washington's men from taking back boston, defeating the hessians, and training through the difficult months at valley forge. Finally, at yorktown there is victory and the soldiers who all fought alongside him weren't colonialists anymore but free men in this young nation. In the end, peters, now age 30, opened his own printing press and proudly told of his time as a
On october 19, 1781 the British army surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia. Although the treaty had yet to be signed, American independence had been accomplished. The Patriots had pulled off the most improvable upset by defeating the most powerful military of the day. Although the British had more troops, were highly trained, had more supplies, and a strong navy, the Patriots prevailed. Under the leadership of George Washington along with technological advancements in weaponry, aid from foreign allies, new fighting techniques, coupled with medical innovations and an extensive spy ring, a new nation is born.
LEXINGTON and CONCORD, MA- In yesterday’s early hours, a force of British regulars, commanded by General Thomas Gage, marched out of Boston searching for a weapons cache in the town of Concord. These troops met a little resistance in Lexington on their way through. When getting to Concord, the Royal Forces found few arms, but found a force of Minutemen awaiting them. These Minutemen chased the regulars all the way back to Boston, all while the Minutemen’s numbers steadily grew. The Minutemen had been warned of the surprise raid by the efforts of three riders that had set out from Boston ahead of the regulars. This was instrumental in the Minutemen’s victory because the regulars were not expecting that anyone would have enough time to organize resistance since this was supposed to be a surprise raid.
The Continental Congress chose George Washington for commander of the Continental Army. Hancock’s activities during the Revolutionary War starting, made him a target for British authorities. John Hancock and Samuel Adams avoided arrest, after Paul Revere made his legendary ride to warn them the British were coming. This warning is also famously known as Paul Revere’s “Midnight Ride”. In February, 1775, Hancock was reelected President of the Congress. On April 18th, General Gage sent a detachment of troops to Concord to confiscate the supply of arms the colonists had. The patriot’s believed that they were in terrible danger. Joseph Warren dispatched Paul Revere and William Dawes to warn Hancock that the British (Regulars) were coming. Hancock and Sam Adams escaped town and the first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired at dawn of Lexington Green (John Hancock
The Minutemen and Their World by Robert Gross tells the story of the common man in Concord, Massachusetts before and after April 19, 1775. The book offers a glimpse of the people’s lives during the colonial period, creating a context for the American Revolution through social history and the settlers’ ordinary lives before the fateful “shot heard around the world.” Gross shows how the town of Concord majorly changed; he depicts the life of the people to show the bigger picture of the American Revolution as it affected not only the lives of the militiamen and delegates, but the ordinary townspeople as well. Gross argues that as the battle for independence began, it had a significant impact on the Revolution as it transformed from a quiet country town into an important revolutionary hub.
The British won a wonderful and Costly war in the fall of 1777. To provide some background to this event we have to go to
Robert Gross’ The Minutemen and Their World examines a town 's role in the events of the colonial revolution. Specifically that of Concord, Massachusetts in the years before, during and after the Revolution. Gross provides details about the inner workings of town politics, religion, and society for the period. He notes how town’s people’s rivalries and religious fissures occupied the townspeople through the prerevolutionary period. Gross details how Concord was largely absent from the pre-Revolutionary activities of other communities, and then the unification process that occurred as conflict grew closer. By analyzing specific events in the town’s history Goss is able to draw conclusions about why certain events took place leading up to
On April 19, 1775, the most important war of American history started. This was called the Revolutionary War. The war started because the Colonists felt they were being treated unfairly. Throughout the 8 years of the war, there were ups and downs for the Colonists, however they won the war because they had better strategies and aid from France near the end.
“Valley Forge is 18 miles from Pennsylvania.’ (background essay,141). I was there from the summer of 1775 through January 1778 with about 2 months to go.They declared independence from Britain, then, they started a war
The war was very tough, men fought hard, we gave it our all. But war at this time wasn’t our biggest worries… it was our base, set at Valley Forge. It was like something out of a movie, conditions were horrible, freezing, no shelter, little supply of food or water, men are dying, disease is getting around... this is when times were horrible. George Washington our leader has 11,000 men on his back, but what Valley Forge is doing will decrease our numbers fast.
As I keep my sanity in this journal, my actions are different now due to this new imprisonment of this so called “ Stamp Act”. Here is the story of what has led up to the Revolutionary War.
Valley Forge was the military camp in southeastern Pennsylvania, approximately 20 miles northwest of Philadelphia, where the American Continental Army spent the winter of 1777–1778 during the American Revolutionary War. Starvation, disease, malnutrition, and exposure killed over 2,500 American soldiers by the end of February 1778.
The Battle of Long Island was a military conflict between Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). The year and date that the Battle of Long Island took place were from August 22 to August 30 of 1776. ("The Battle of Long Island -" Land of the Brave. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2016 .) Militarily; the British were far superior to the American Continental Army. The British had twenty-two thousand soldiers at the battle while the colonies had nineteen thousand. Washington’s men were predominantly inexperienced and inadequately trained for the task. With the victory going to the British, they captured a strategic city, New York. (Gallagher, John J. The Battle of
The British are coming! The British are coming! Yes, we have all heard the stories of the terrible deeds committed by the Red Coats, but what if that is not what really happened? After all, history is written by the victor. Numerous battles were fought in the Revolutionary War. While most had a clear start and a definite end, it has never been decided who started the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Though after reading the eyewitness accounts, it is truly simple to understand. The blame lays at the feet of the Colonial Militia, because they incited the battles and continued to attack, even as their enemy retreated.
The American victory over the English in the Revolutionary War was a massive win for America and one that changed the face of the US as it is now, in the present. The “United States of America” was the new word of the mouth in various countries as it beat the world’s strongest country in a fight for America’s independence. This victory was achieved by a common drive for freedom that was shared by the patriots to cut off all ties to monarchs and royals of Britain. They got what they bargained for and George Washington stepped up to be the strong leader that America needed. He led America to war and America succeeded in the revolution die to him and other countries that helped him. This freedom led to a republic government that changed power of authority. It is shown in
“1776” is a story of war. This book chronicles the year 1776 and the different battles that took place during the year. Instead of exploring the political changes the year oversaw, Pulitzer Prize winner, David McCullough explores in a different perspective on the battles that occurred during the year. From battle strategies, to the lives of Major Generals, McCullough takes you through the story in a more realistic and factual perspective. “1776” offers an intimate look into the military aspects of the revolutionary war which creates a more lively and engaging literature. McCullough opens the book in London, where King George III appears on behalf of his people to announce war with the North American colonies. American patriots sought to overthrow British government that overexerted its power and pressed the American colonists, which manifested in the former taxes and troops. The American colonists began to protest and riot, which increased tension, eventually leading to the Battle of Lexington and Concord,