
How Did Plant Domestication Lead To Major Differences In Society

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How did plant domestication lead to major differences in society? Plant domestication leads to a major difference in society because it permits the members of that society to reproduce, form permanent societies, and create a bureaucratic society ( also gives the ability to tax). For example, “ by collecting huge quantities of wild cereals in a short time when the seeds were ripe,and storing them for use as food through the rest of the year, some hunting-gathering people of the Fertile Crescent had already settled down in permanent villages even before they began to cultivate plants.) ( pg 131) , According to Diamond, in a hunter gatherer society the tribes were often on the move, and this required mothers to carry their young children. The mothers had to wait until the child was old enough to walk so she could have another baby. However, domesticated plants help to create a sedentary society where people can reproduce with ease, form permanent communities, and fund a political government through …show more content…

For example,he makes comments such “ that is, in mental ability, New Guineans are probably genetically superior to Westerners, and they surely are superior in escaping the devastating developmental disadvantages under which most children in industrialized societies now grow up”, and “ why did the New Guineans wind up technologically primitive despite, despite what I believe to be their superior intelligence?” and finally, “ in short, Europe’s colonization of Africa had nothing to do with differences between European and African people themselves, as white racists assume.” ( pg 385) This statement is hypocritical because Diamond himself states the New Guineans have superior intelligence compared to Westerners, which to some may be considered a racist statement. To some it may appear as if Diamond is formulating a politically correct theory that excuses people from owning up to their

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