
How Did Poe's Life Influence The Masque Of The Red Death

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Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most famous authors using literary tools. Poe had a lot of issues and internal conflicts, but put many of them into his stories. There are so many parts of his life he put into his writing to express it. One literary tool Poe use was life influences, like in the Masque of the Red Death when there was a mysterious masked man in a room with a lot of people and he was a disease that killed like Poe’s mom and wife. To sum up the three stories is in the Masque of the Red Death was a man that brought a lot of people in his castle to block from the disease but the disease come in and kills everyone. In the Cask of Amontillado is looking for this alcoholic beverage and The Black Cat a guy got drunk a lot and abused the animals and killed a cat and wife, then got arrested. …show more content…

An unknown, unseen man appears and goes around killing everyone. The man was a disease and it relates to Poe because almost everyone he loved died of a disease. Another was the guy running toward the mysterious man, disease, to stop it. Like when Poe tried to stop the sickness his wife had and didn’t succeed. The men in the castle drink wine and alcoholic beverages and Poe drank a lot in his life. In addition, The Cask of Amontillado was influenced by Poe’s life in many ways. Fortunato was a guy the narrator didn’t like and wanted revenge. Poe’s foster dad was like Fortunato and Poe hated him. One of weakness is wine for Fortunato and Poe has a really low tolerance for alcohol. Lastly, the narrator going after the alcohol and Poe likes to drink to try to solve everything. Finally, Poe’s life influence in The Black Cat. The narrator drinking and abuses the animal and killed cat and Poe get drunk a lot and is really mean. The narrator’s wife is murdered by her husband and Poe’s wife died of a disease. Lastly the cat kept haunting the narrator and in Poe life he had a lot of internal

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