
How Did Religion Change Throughout The 16th Century

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Throughout the sixteenth century, religion was the main focus of society. The corruption of the Catholic church led to reformation. Through this reformation of religion, it created rifts in society, hence outbreak of religious wars. During the Protestant reformation, the monarchy was the most influential system that affected the European wars of the sixteenth century. Economically, Spain’s wars with just about every nearby country left it economically struggling. Inflation was high due to the large amounts of Gold and Silver found in the new world. War was expensive and detrimental to the Spanish economy. These wars were both religious and territorial in nature.
Politically, it is a redistribution of power and land. Up until this point, Spain was advancing in the race for power. They had land in the new world as well as …show more content…

It started with Henry III when he wants a divorce. The Church (and Pope) say that he cannot have one because it is ungodly. After having a fallout with the Roman Church, Henry decides to form his own. Even though it is basically following the same practices of catholicism, its leader is Henry. After Henry’s death, his son, Edward VI takes over. He was brought of with protestant tutors so the religion of the Kingdom swinged towards protestantism. Edward was a sickly boy and died soon after. The next in line to rule was Mary I. She received her nickname of “Bloody Mary” for a good reason. She persecuted all that were protestant. Under her reign religion swinged back to Catholicism but not for long. The final heir to the Tudor throne was Elizabeth I. She was the first to be religiously moderate in comparison to her kin. Her reign, was progressive and unlike those before her, she tried to compromise. She started with the Elizabethan Religious Settlement in attempts to regain control. During the rule of the Tudors, much blood was shed in the name of

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