
How Did Slavery Influence The Growth Of Slavery

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American wealth was created by the exclusion of enslaved men and women receiving profit from their labor. It caused a vast difference in capital for White Americans. The most important American economic advances were ways to make slavery ever more lucrative. Through forced migration and torture, slave owners garnered continual increases in efficiency from enslaved African Americans. Thus the United States seized control of the world market for cotton, the key raw material of the Industrial Revolution, and became a wealthy nation with that global influence and ownership. Edward Baptist discussed slavery as a business model. Baptist discussed in the first half of his book that slavery was an economic system, cotton was emerging in England and …show more content…

Slavery and its expansion was influenced by the federal government. Southern presidents had dominance for about seventy years. Four out the first five presidents were Virginia slaveholders. Eight out of twelve presidents owned slaves. These presidents molded the nation policy of geographic and economic growth. Baptist wrote “A large majority of people in the Southern States do not consider slavery as a crime.”(48)Slavery expansion yielded a more environmental and a robust economy based on a nationwide capital market. For example, in counties such as Lexington, Kentucky “There were two slaves for every white man over the age of twenty, where 40% of those men owned land. Slavery was attractive and appealed to many white southerners. Wade Hampton (1752-1835) owned 80% of the world cotton market in 1860.Whites in southern cotton states were much wealthier than other whites in the United States. By 1860 the four wealthiest states in the United States, ranked in terms of wealth per white person, were all southern: South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia. The exploit of slavery did American capitalism also it was sustaining by punishment and torture. The practice of setting quotas and torture mechanism drove and increase production. Quotas were raised and price of cotton

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