
How Did Star Wars Change The World

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“A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.” Yes, there was Star Wars. Since the release of A New Hope, the first Star Wars movie, on May 25th, 1977, Star Wars has become a global hit and has deeply impacted the world’s culture and movies’ special effects. Set in outer space, the plot of Star Wars was mainly about Luke Skywalker on a quest. Space has always been a place people have fantasized about, but not everyone is able to turn that fantasy into reality and make a movie out of it. However, George Lucas did, and that forever changed the movie industry. In fact, Star Wars is now one of the most popular movie series in the world. The making of Star Wars not only influenced the world technologically and culturally, but it also led to the creation of a new holiday —Star Wars Day. …show more content…

As a result, “popcorn space epics,” like Star Wars, were not appealing to Hollywood (Untold). Also, before Star Wars, Hollywood’s science fiction movies were mostly dreary, and were about miserable human societies (Myint). For example, Logan’s Run (1976) was a famous dystopian themed movie that was about a seemingly perfect society in which people over 30 must die (Turner). Since science fiction was not a popular genre at the time, the expectations that the audience had for Star Wars were pretty low. Nevertheless, George Lucas believed that there was a chance for science fiction to be a leading genre in American cinema (Norwich

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