
How Did Susan B. Anthony Impact The Women's Suffrage Movement?

Decent Essays

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him... We need not wait to see what others do.” — Mahatma Gandhi It’s hard to make people listen. It’s hard to make people want change. And using violence brings a bad reputation to what one is trying to bring attention to. Thus, peaceful protesting and civil disobedience are important tools to positively impact a free society. Accepting the consequences of civil disobedience proves to the world that one will sacrifice whatever is necessary to achieve what they are fighting for, which strengthens their message even more. In 1872, Susan B. Anthony, along with fourteen other women, was arrested. She didn’t stab a misogynistic man; she didn’t …show more content…

Anthony’s life, the United States did not recognize the voting rights of women. Although they were citizens of this country, they had no say as to what went on in the government. They had no true representation in government: an idea that the founding fathers of the United States of America had fought so hard for a mere one hundred years earlier. Anthony’s attempt to vote sparked the women’s rights movement to begin spreading the idea of women’s suffrage, which would soon become the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Anthony was arrested for her ballot, and she dealt with the legal consequences of her action. However, Anthony’s resistance to the law positively impacted society because it paved the way for the 19th amendment to be ultimately ratified in 1920: allowing the women in this nation the right to vote. Without Anthony, women today would not have the same legal rights that they do. Without Anthony, a strong woman would not have been able to win the popular vote of the nation in a presidential election. Due to Susan B. Anthony’s civil disobedience, maybe young girls and women in this country will someday soon be represented behind the desk in the oval

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