
How Did The Economy Affect The Business In The 1920's

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Within the 1920’s there was a vast expansion of several businesses. At the time, several new industries had begun to expand including several with ties to technology. Food processing and household appliances were among several types of businesses that began to mass produce due to the precedent Henry Ford had set forth, this being the idea of a moving assembly line. Additionally, automobiles was a large “backbone” for the massive economic growth America was experiencing at the time. In fact, many factories began to produce automobiles rather that the original textiles. Overseas investment was also very popular within America, allowing the United States dollar to surpass it’s British “pound” counterpart. Along with this large uprising of businesses, in America, came the overall evolution of technology. Typical American houses were completely transformed, allowing the dissolution of domestic servants. Furthermore, the large boost in technology basically created what we know now as everyday Hollywood. However, this prosperity, within the 1920’s, had an underlying negative turnout. Although businesses were uprising and the …show more content…

Although the crash did significantly affect the way the great Depression affected the United States, perhaps had previous inflammation and major poverty inclines not been present the Great Depression would have been ‘easier’ for the people of the United States to handle. Overall, the failure of several banks, mortgage foreclosures, American poverty, and even the unequal distribution of money between businesses and people, allowed for the Great Depression to have an even greater impact upon the American people. All these factors may have even began the spark of the Great Depression. It’s much like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill. It will inevitably become bigger and bigger, resulting in a disastrous event, that nobody accounted

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