
How Did The First Estate Contribute To The French Revolution

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During 1789, many people in France were suffering. Due to the money spent on wars and Versaille France was in debt. Along with France’s debt, a mini ice age caused a season of a terrible harvest, creating an increase in food prices, leaving many people starving. Political, social, economical, and intellectual clauses contributed to the start of the French Revolution.
Enlightenment ideas was an intellectual clause that help start the French Revolution. Philosophers like Rousseau and Locke preached enlightenment ideas that were soon spread to France. John Locke preached the idea that rulers should receive the right to rule by the people. Jean-Jacques Rousseau preached the idea that all people were born free and equal. These ideas appealed to …show more content…

The estate system was put in place to help organize society. In it were three estates. The first estate which consisted of church officials, it contributed to 1% of the population. The second estate was nobles, it made up 2% of the population. The third estate was made up of the bourgeoisie, the san-culottes, and the peasants, it contained 97% of the population. “First estate, 1% of people owned 10% of land. Second estate, 2% of people owned 35% of the land. Third estate, 97% of people owned 55% of land.”(doc.2) The first and second estate which consisted of the least amount of people had the most amount of land. The third estate obtained 55% of the land, but 55% distributed between 97% of people wasn’t that much. As well as unfair amount of land, the third estate also had an unfair say in politics. When it came to voting each estate got one vote. One vote was fair to the first and second estate, but was extremely unfair to the third estate. When voting on important political or economical elements, as in taxes. If there was a need to higher taxes the first and second estate would tax the third estate and the third estate would vote to spread the taxes equally. Due to one vote an estate, the third estate would be out voted. The third estate wanted more political mobility, which was a cause of the French

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