
How Did The Mongols Become A Barbaric Dbq

Decent Essays

Catalina Sierra February 8, 2018
Wiglesworth 4th Block

During the 13th century, Central Asia was taken aback with a force that demanded to be reckoned with, the Mongols(later knowns as Khans), although astounding conquerors, were barbaric in their ways of gaining power. This can be seen through their military tactics, treatment of enemies, and casualties of war.

The Mongols were barbaric in their methods of their military tactics. According to John of Plano Carpini, a Franciscan emissary of Pope Innocent IV, Carpini wrote about on the decree set upon men who were soon to go to war or were present in battle. If two or three or even more of the group were to flee, the whole group would be put to death; if ten flee from 100, all are put to death. Likewise, if two or more of the group charge head on at the enemy and …show more content…

Even though, fleeing from a fight is frowned upon in many countries, the fact that those who did not pursuit such cowardly acts had to be put to death due to one person’s actions is unbelievable. Not long after the battle is over, depending if the Mongols had won or not, they were given choices for the citizens of the government they had attacked. John of Plano Carpini indulged readers on the Mongols battle Tactics, The Mongol Mission, inhabitants who surrendered to them, were searched as the Mongols sought mostly artisans, others were kept as slaves, the unwanted ones….they were killed with the axe [Document D]. The Mongols, for some reason, saw it unfit to allow the captured to roam free, so instead they slaughtered all those who did not fit the requirements of a basic slaves. Most likely, the unwanted ones were the elderly or the sick, too weak to defend themselves as they seemingly had no voice in their unfair executions. Paul Ratchnevsky in his, Genghis Khan: His Life and Legacy, made a single comment that if merely glanced over did not produce a second thought, however, upon closer

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