
How Did The Native American Economy Affect The European Exchange

Decent Essays

Economics, religion, and politics shaped European and Native American contact in a positive way for the Europeans, and a negative way for the Native Americans. The Europeans brought materials such as horses and wheat, which the Native Americans used and circulated into their economy. The Europeans got grains and maize in return. Diseases brought by the Europeans killed up to 90% of Native Americans, which brought trade and other economic activities down. Before the Native Americans met with the Europeans they only believed in animism and spirits as their religion, after the Europeans came, they tried to convert the Native Americans by force. Many Christian leaders such as Pope Paul III rejected the harsh treatment of Native Americans, but still supported the conversion of them en masse. Christianity in the Americas developed into a mix of Christianity and animism, in Europe people solely believed in Jesus as their lord.
The exchange of commodities, food, and valuables composed the economic systems between the Europeans and the native people of the Western Hemisphere. When the first European, Christopher Columbus (an Italian from Spain) landed on American shores in 1492, he brought horses, wheat, barley, cows and iron. These items were soon introduced to the Native Americans, who had never seen them before. The Native Americans traded maize, potatoes and grain for wheat and horses. An increase in economic activities such as trade among the two continents were a result of

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