
How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Cause Ww1

Decent Essays

World War I was one of the worst wars in the world and there were four MAIN causes of the war and they were Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. These causes made WW I as it is today one of the most deadliest wars in the world. I believe that the Treaty of Versailles explains the four causes of WW I the best rather than Wilson’s fourteen points which I believe didn't explain them better than Treaty of Versailles.
One of the important causes is militarism and it is explained in the
“Treaty of Versailles” “that the the German army must reduce their size to 100,000 soldiers and 4,000 officers.” They also cannot leave Germany. This is very specific because in militarism in the “fourteen points” does not go into as much detail as the “Treaty of Versailles”. The German government also takes full responsibility for all the damage in WW I. …show more content…

The alliances that were going on were either way too strong or too weak and they dominated the alliance with strong armies and with weak they got crapped on. For example the trade agreement that Germany entered into with one of the Allied powers will automatically apply to all Allied powers. Which that almost made them

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