
How Did Thomas Jefferson Use The Language In The Declaration Of Independence

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Thomas Jefferson, a very intelligent man wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776. His claim was to persuade the people that the 13 colonies in America should be free and independent from Great Britain, get other colonists on board, and to encourage other nations to help them finally become free and independent. But that was not the only thing, besides the fact that he wrote how they were splitting from Britain, but he correspondingly gave great persuasive reasoning as to why they should be allowed to do so. In order to do that he used rational logic in this document with facts showing how badly and unfairly the people were actually getting treated. Also another point to as why the declaration is so convincing is that Jefferson used …show more content…

The words that he used throughout the whole document for example, “brethren” and “fellow citizen” He even displays to the people how the colonies have wanted to have no violent conflict at all with Great Britain while on the other hand the king wouldn’t compromise with these terms. For instant, they had sent over many petitions to Great Britain with the hope to come to some type of treaty, but the king like always continued to hurt the colonies in many different ways. Jefferson argued that they have tried to compromise in a non-violent way with Great Britain many times, but they continue to send soldiers to kill their people, destroy ships, burn down and vandalize towns, and capture citizens holding them hostage while making them do very immoral things to their own people. Not one nation should be made to sit back and let these terrible things happen to them or any one else, so by asserting these different situations it inspires all of the fellow colonists that it is time to fight and stand up for their rights and the rights of their fellow …show more content…

A solid argument and point in the declaration that he makes is, “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men”. This means that any genuine government is formed to defend peoples' constitutional rights including, “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”. All through the declaration Thomas Jefferson displays how Great Britain is not protecting their civil rights at all, but more like interfering and in some cases taking them away. Another example is, he claims and states how Great Britain keeps transporting over soldiers and assumes and expects the people to provide, house, and nourish them. He had the people take care of these soldiers as if they were their own children, and they could not do a single thing about it. These same soldiers were also permitted to break and disobey all the laws in the colonies and not be punished for any of them. That is not protecting people’s rights, it is more like invading them. Another solid argument in the document that Jefferson makes is, “deriving their just power from the consent of the governed”. That means any authority or power that the government has is given to them by the approval of the people, but this right

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