
How Do Driverless Cars Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

"Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020". Driverless cars has been apart of the human imagination for quite awhile now, proof being in popular science fiction. It wasn't until the early 2000's that modern technology was ready take this very imaginative idea and turn it into a reality. Many companies have been working on driverless cars and are seeing quite the success. Although driverless cars are a step in the right direction of developing extremely useful technology, I feel driverless cars should not be given to the public because it will completely change society in many ways. Google co-founder, Sergey Brin, has a vision for a future with a public-transport taxi system that uses driving cars. In this future no one will need to buy cars because there will be taxis to take people everywhere. In this future people will not have the need to learn to drive because technology will be so advance that cars have the ability to drive themselves. While this will have an effect on society as a whole, it will have the biggest impact on adolescence. The priority of adolescence as they get older will not be as focused on the hard working nature of wanting to learn how to drive and making money to buy a car. In a world where driverless cars are available to the public …show more content…

If driverless cars become available to the public, we will be one step closer to letting the technology we are creating ruin our lives. With these cars taking over the need to learn to drive, people will began to demand other technology to be developed that will take over the need for us to do mundane tasks. If we get so dependent where we need technology to do everyday tasks for us, developing better technology will become the center of our universe. Although driverless cars will lead to the destruction of our world, developing this technology is a good

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