
How Do Immigrants Make Up America?

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“My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too.” This quote, spoken by Barack Obama in 2014, is about the topic of the immigration system. Immigrants are what make up America, and all that come here are faced with great difficulty. They can face discrimination, struggles getting on their feet, and strive for the American Dream. The American Dream is a belief that everyone will have equal opportunities to succeed and get a better life. This is found in the hearts of almost all immigrants, no matter where they come from. This had led to waves of people flooding into the United States. The most notable wave that has occurred was in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s. During this time, thousands of Lithuanians flooded through Ellis Island into America; their change from their lives in Lithuania, to their work experience and education, their lives in America had overall left a positive impact on society.
Lithuania is located …show more content…

He comprehends that all American citizens, whether they were born in America or not, did in fact come from elsewhere. Immigrants are what make up America, and had brought a plethora of culture and heritage to give to the country. They toiled in the fields, worked long hours in the factories, and build up the government. They had hoped for a better life, and were willing to put everything on the line in order to achieve their dreams. This is not any different from the Lithuanian Americans, as they had seen a drastic change from their home in the old country. They endured many hardships within America as they opened schools and found jobs. Without immigrants, the United States of America would never be the same, it may not of existed in the first place. And if America limites who can and cannot enter the country, they will be limiting their ability to build their culture up, and won’t be able to accept all, no matter their families’

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