
How Do Pentraxins Help Detect Alzheimer 's Disease? Humans?

Better Essays

Briana Momchilovich
BIO 206
Writing Assignment #3

Detailed focus question: How do pentraxins help detect Alzheimer’s disease in humans?

I. At the beginning to have a good understanding of the topic I will explain what the functions or calcium-binding proteins and the locations of calcium-binding proteins. I am going to do this so the reader has a better background understanding on the main topic of the paper.
A. Functions of calcium-binding proteins (Swanson el al., 1992).
1. Regulates mostly cellular processes.
a. They are needed for second messenger signals.
2. Calcium-binding proteins bind directly to Ca2+.
a. Regulates the amount of Ca2+ in the cytosol.
3. They have a huge effect on neurons.
a. This has an effect on learning and …show more content…

3. The C-reactive protein is usually produced in the liver of humans.

C. SAP – Serum amyloid P (Swanson el al., 1992).
1. The basic feature of serum amyloid P is it has a high relationship with phospholipids that are negatively charged.
2. The function of serum amyloid P binds to calcium and it consists of a dimer of pentamer.
a. This allows for defense from pathogens from the body.
3. Serum amyloid P is usually produced in the liver of humans.

III. This last section I will combine all of the ideas that were made above. I will talk about what Alzheimer’s disease is and how C-reactive proteins and serum amyloid P proteins relationship to Alzheimer’s disease.
A. Alzheimer’s disease is a very common disease in the older generations (Dominguez-Prieto el al., 2017).
1. The disease is a progressive disease and it ends up leading to loss of memory.
2. Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the increase of beta-amyloid protein.
a. Beta-amyloid protein is what leads to nerve cells dying.
3. Genetic too have a lot to do with Alzheimer’s disease also.
a. When a person has a certain gene mutation they are a lot more likely to have Alzheimer’s disease.
b. The apoE4 gene is the gene that has the strongest correlation with Alzheimer’s disease.

B. C-reactive proteins relationship to Alzheimer’s disease (Yarchoan el al., 2013).
1. There is an increase of C-reactive proteins in people that have Alzheimer’s disease.

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