
How Does Arthur Miller Use Lies In The Crucible

Decent Essays

The Crucible is a famous play written by Arthur Miller, an American playwright who has written several well-known plays of the 20th century. In The Crucible, Miller uses lies & deceit to teach individuals a lesson on how important it is to tell the truth and how much lies affect our lives. Because lies always catch up to you, the characters in The Crucible are faced with the challenge of tracing back on who is lying and who is really telling the truth.
To start off, Abigail gets all the girls to lie along with her. This sparks when Mary Warren goes against Abigail by saying that the girl’s actions towards the spirits were “pretense.” (Miller,191)
This causes a battle between who’s really telling the truth and who’s lying to the court. This part of the play is …show more content…

Elizabeth quickly asks John if they had been alone and he tries to reinforce it by saying that it was only “for a moment” (Miller,167) This doesn’t help the situation at all because Elizabeth is still stuck on the fact that John has deceived her and made her believe that everything was casual between Abigail and John.
Arthur Miller does a fabulous job of demonstrating lies and deceit in The Crucible. He gives the readers several examples as to why it is never a good idea to start lying and trying to cheat your way out of telling the truth. In the end, someone always finds out and there is never a good ending to a bad beginning built on lies. This universal theme matters because everyone has lied at least once in their lifetime, so we can all relate as an audience to the story. We may not relate to the witchcraft part of this play, but we can relate to the difficulties and conflicts that come along with telling a small

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