
How Does Brutus Change In Julius Caesar

Decent Essays

Brutus is the most beloved and noble character in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Whether you see him as good or bad is based solely upon the way you interpret what he does in this play. He plays a role in killing Caesar, yes, but in his eyes he was doing it for the good of Rome. Still, is that good enough of a reason to turn against your friend? In this play, Brutus shows incredible character development as he transforms from this honorable man into one of the leaders of the conspirators; a change for the best and the worst. Brutus was the final piece to the puzzle in the plot to murder Caesar, without him nothing would of worked out for the conspirators; even after he dies, he is still honored and respected by those closest to Caesar as the …show more content…

He went through a stage of depression where he wouldn’t talk to his wife about anything and he just left everything bottled up inside. At the point of the murder Caesar was surprised to see Brutus as a part of the conspirator’s and says “Et tu, Bruté?” (III.i.77 which is latin for “Even you, Brutus?”. This quote lives on even today and is a perfect way to illustrate just how surprised he had been at the sight of one of his best friends stabbing him in the back, literally and …show more content…

It may seem like he became corrupt when he chose to assist the conspirator’s with carrying out their plot against Caesar, however, in his eyes, he was doing it for all the right reasons. What Brutus did was similar to that of what the Serbian independence group, The Black Hand, did to Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. The Black Hand killed Franz Ferdinand and his wife who were heir to the throne in Serbia because they thought it was the right thing to do and the only way that they could make Serbia an independent country. The only difference is that this was, arguably, one of the reasons World War I had even gotten started in the first place. Depending on how you look at it, the decision that was made may or may not of been a bad one. Anyways, back on topic, Even after Brutus is dead, Antony and Octavius continue to respect him. This just adds more proof to the fact that he was an honorable and noble Roman who will live on in the hearts of all who have heard the story as the protagonist of The Tragedy of Julius

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