
How Does Clarisse Change In Fahrenheit 451

Satisfactory Essays

2. Describe Clarisse’s effect on Montag and her function in the novel. How and why does she change him? Why does she vanish from the novel? Clarisse is an enlightened character that walked with Montag at the beginning of Fahrenheit 451. She was described as an outgoing character that was different from the rest. Clarisse made a huge impact on Montag by asking what most would think a simple question, “Are you happy?” Clarisse was only making Montag think differently but there had to be a spark, a driving force that would cause Montag to take action. This driving force was Clarisse’s death. This is when everything snapped together in Montag’s head, “It's not just the woman that died," said Montag. "Last night I thought about all the kerosene

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