
How Does Columbus Use Language

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In addition to using language to rename these, Columbus also uses it when describing the land he has encountered. In his letters, Columbus describes the islands in an exceptionally high degree. An example of this can be seen in his entry for October 19th, as he describes the cape, Cabo Hermoso, “Nearly all the coast and the part of the island I have seen are sandy, and the island is the most beautiful sight I ever saw; the others are lovely, but this is lovelier.” Again, Columbus’s communication skills are evident. Due to the fact that the Spaniards had the written letter, Columbus can exaggerate exactly what he sees in order to paint as beautifully as possible. As previously discussed, the natives could not have been able to object to what …show more content…

During some of his first encounters with the natives he already begins to make drastic claims. From his entry on October 11th, Columbus describes the natives with the following: “I could see that they were people who would be more easily converted to our Holy Faith… They must be good servants, and intelligent, for I can see that they quickly repeat everything said to them. I believe they would readily become Christians; it appeared to me that they have no religion.” Without spending a large amount of time with the natives, Columbus already deems them easily susceptible to Christianity; due to the fact they did not appear to have a religion. This ties into Todorov’s thesis, the natives did not possess the communications skills that the Spaniards did, and therefore, they could not communicate to an effective degree to the Spaniards what kind of people they were, and that they did have a faith they believed in. In addition to this, in his October 14th entry Columbus states, “These people have little knowledge of fighting… for with fifty men one could keep the whole population in subjection and make them do whatever one wanted.” Again, Columbus makes these grandiose claims of these people, and is able to write this down and have it be read. Columbus is using these writings paint a picture of the natives, of which they could comprehend, giving Columbus and his crew

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