
How Does David Bowie Use Irony In Labyrinth

Decent Essays

In “Labyrinth”, David Bowie’s character, Jareth, the goblin king, was originally supposed to be a puppet, but instead decided to make him a human. In “Labyrinth” Jim Henson uses the literary device, irony, to create surprise in the viewer. One type of irony is verbal, which is a sentence a character says, but doesn’t mean. Dramatic irony is when we know something a character doesn’t. Lastly, situational irony is when something happens when you don’t expect. In general, there are three types of irony that authors use as a literary device to create the element of surprise.
Furthermore, there's verbal irony, when a character says something, but really means the opposite. For example, when Sarah tells Jareth, the Goblin King, "It's a piece of cake".

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