
How Does E. B White Use Figurative Language In Once More To The Lake

Decent Essays

In E.B. White’s essay “Once More to the Lake,” he describes spending time with his son at a lake in Maine that he visited as a child. One month every summer he would vacation at this lake with his father. White had dreamt about bringing his son to the lake one day. Upon White’s return to this fabled lake, he realizes it’s not the same lake he visited as a child. He finds that the modern world has made its mark on the lake. To White, what developers in the area call progress he sees as destructive and has impacted the lake negatively. White’s use of figurative language allows him to show to the reader what he felt and how he viewed the changes sprouting up around him. To some, change is viewed as progress while to others it can be devastating and destructive. …show more content…

He hears his son get up before anyone else and drag the canoe down to the lake where he goes out paddling before the midday sun. He sees how the times have caught up with is family and his son is now fascinated by outboard motors. In White’s opinion, outboard motors are like “mosquitos emitting a jarring high pitched whine.” He believes that the outboard motor has corrupted the serenity of his lake fantasy. His son however, views this as progress and is in the benefit of all the lake. His son is the business man in the movie UP when he is building skyscrapers all around Mr. Fredrickson’s home. The man is blind by the fact that some people have yet to move on from the old ways and need the comforts of home to

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