
How Does Elie Wiesel Use Symbols In Night

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“Never shall i forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall i forget these things, even if i am condemned to live as long as God himself.” (Wiesel ix). This quote comes from the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel. This quote contains one of the most obvious used symbols from the book. The memoir Night is about the author Elie Wiesel struggling to survive during the bad days and nights in the concentration camps. The author tells us about his struggles using symbolism. The author uses symbolism to give a visual so that you can relate to the story. The three most important symbols that are used in Night are the fires, night, and the baton.
One of the most apparent symbols in the memoir Night is fire, which symbolized death. This representation of death is apparent when Mme. Schachter noticed the smoke from the crematory through the cattle cars. Another example of death can be found on page 23: “Look at the fire! Flames, flames everywhere.” Madame Schachter seen the fires, but none of the Jews wanted to believe what she was saying. This symbolism gives a deeper meaning to Elie’s experiences because he didn't know what to expect or what was going to happen to him until he got to the camps. Fire is one of the most apparent symbols in the story Night, symbolizing death. …show more content…

This example of Night is apparent on Elies very first night in the camp, which has completely changed his life forever. This representation of fear is apparent when Elie's first night in camp is not like he expected. “Never shall i forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.” (Weisel 32). This symbolism helps the reader apprehend how dangerous the camps can be at night. Night is the most important symbol in the story because Elie has spent many horrible nights at the concentration

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