
How Does Fences Affect August Wilson

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Fences and August Wilson Fences are like the walls we put up in our own lives. We build them to protect our privacy, we build them to hide what is really going on. In the play Fences written by August Wilson, we learn about a man with a family who he lies to and doesn’t look out for his family. Troy a husband and a father, is a man with only his intentions in mind. We quickly learn that not everyone is as good as they portray themselves to be. In the play you can’t help yourself but think did the author himself come up with these scenarios himself or did something in his past life influence his style in writing. While reading the play we learn that Troy was absent during his first sons life. His son was raised by his mother and while Troy …show more content…

I figured that maybe something had happened in his life that he knows what it’s like not to have a father around, or a father that is unfaithful, or that maybe he has dealt with racism first hand. After watching Bill Moyers interview with Mr. Wilson, I learned that he has been through quite a few things in his life. Wilson states “He was raised by his mother, along with his sibling when his father walked out.” His mother was happily married to another man years later when they packed up their belongings and moved to a place called, The Hill District. The Hill District was a predominantly white area of Hazelwood. Living in a white working-class neighborhood, the Wilsons were seen as scums, bricks where thrown through their windows and they were forced to move into another home. Wilson had dealt with racism his whole life, he states that he had dropped out of high school at the age of 15, when his history teacher had asked the class to write about a famous person, when Wilson choose to write about his inspiration Napoleon, his teacher was quick to assume it was plagiarized. His teacher had insisted that Wilson was to give proof that he had written this report, Wilson had no proof to give other than telling him that he had wrote it. His teacher gave him an F on the assignment. Wilson proceeded to rip up the paper and toss it in the trash. It was then that Wilson decided he was done with

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