
How Does Holden Caulfield A Misfit

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In The Catcher in The Rye by J.D Salinger, the main character Holden Caulfield is shown to be someone who is against society. Throughout the book he wants to isolate himself from the world and calls everything and everyone that he sees with words such as “phony”, “moron” or “too good”. Some could say that Holden just wishes the world would change to the way he wants it to be. However, there is evidence that Holden is a misfit and that he is the problem, not society. The evidence that supports this are his experience at school, his thoughts of the graffiti with vulgar words, and his red hunting hat. Holden’s school life is one of the pieces of evidence of his negative feelings towards society. He has attended numerous schools such as Elkton Hills, Pencey Prep, and Whooton. In addition, he has been kicked out of the schools, failed almost all of his classes during his time at Pencey …show more content…

I knew I wouldn’t meet anybody that knew me” (Salinger 122) Another example is that Holden sees the hat as if he was a hunter and that the people, which would likely be the ones that he considers “phonies”, as the animals that will be shot at. “Like hell it is.” I took it off and looked at it. I sort of closed one eye, like I was taking aim at it. “This is a people shooting hat,” I said. “I shoot people in this hat.” (Salinger 22) On the one hand, Holden could have been joking about shooting people and does not mean he will really kill someone in the future. On the other hand, this could possibly mean that if Holden ever had the chance he would want to be a murderer because the world he lives in, he would face the consequences. In addition, it can infer that Holden is deranged to think that a perfect world for him is to end the lives of people. It can be debated that Holden does ‘shoot” people. Additionally, he uses his words to describe his feelings about society as his way to shoot instead of using a

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