
How Does Holden Change Throughout The Catcher In The Rye

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In the Book The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield takes on the role of caretaker to whomever he meets, as many good hearted people do, but who is there to take care of him? Holden is telling his story as a flashback as he is currently in a mental health facility suffering from a nervous breakdown. At first Holden is an annoying person whose thoughts are all over the place, and are hard to follow. Shortly through the book I not only found him comical, but quite relatable. I empathize with Holden as he continuously finds the good in people and tries to protect them from the harshness of reality. Holden is a brilliant boy who is much wiser than his young age of 16, although he is 17 when he is telling the story. I believe that if his parents had been there for him more often, he wouldn’t be in a facility at all. Although his parents are still possibly in mourning, they themselves and the rest of the adults in this book let Holden down. Holden knows that he acts immature for his age. He admits it many times, and he knows he is a liar, also. “I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It’s awful” (22, Salinger). I …show more content…

Spencer he is questioning life and death in his head. Holden uses the metaphor of ducks in Central Park and wonders what happens to the ducks when the pond gets frozen. He wonders if they just fly away or if they go to a zoo. This is not the only time in the story that Holden questions life and death. Holden makes references to disappearing, meaning death, and also envisions his own funeral. He brings up the ducks again with a cab driver named Horwitz. Horwitz, realizing Holden is just a boy, diverts his attention from the ducks to the fish in the pond. “If you was a fish, Mother Nature’d take care of you, wouldn’t she? “You don’t think them fish just die when it gets to be winter, do ya” (109)? This begs the question to Holden, why did Mother Nature take care of the fish but couldn’t take care of my brother

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