
How Does Iago Use Roderigo In Othello

Decent Essays

“Othello” by William Shakespeare is a tragedy about how a general was coerced into murdering his wife. The mastermind behind this elaborate murder is a man named Iago. Throughout the play Iago can be seen manipulating characters like Roderigo, Cassio, and Othello, in order to get revenge on Othello for snubbing him of the position of Lieutenant–a position he believed he earned.
One of the first people Iago uses in his scheme is Roderigo, a wealthy Venetian gentleman with a history of pursuing Desdemona. Iago preys on Roderigo’s desperateness to be with Desdemona in order to get him to comply with his plan. “Call up her father… though he in a fertile climate dwell, Plague him with flies” (1.1.74-80). He convinces Roderigo that unfoiling Desdemona and Othello’s secret marriage will get Brabantio to like him, and in turn, bring him closer to Desdemona. Iago does an excellent job of taking advantage of Roderigo’s desperation for Desdemona because he knows Roderigo will do anything that he thinks will help him get closer to Desdemona. By using Roderigo as …show more content…

“One Michael Cassio, a Florentine, a fellow almost damned in a fair wife, That never set a squadron in the field” (1.1.21-23). Iago vents his frustrations to Roderigo and talks about how Cassio is inexperienced and he is more qualified to be lieutenant. To get his revenge, Iago tricks Cassio into getting drunk. While he’s intoxicated, Cassio gets into a drunken fight and stabs Montano, the governor of Cypress. This results in Cassio being relieved of his position as lieutenant. Iago prays on Cassio’s desperation to win back his reputation and Othello’s love. Iago tells Cassio to plead to Desdemona to put in a good word to Othello on Cassio’s behalf. “Our general’s wife is now the general.. Confess yourself freely to her. Importune her help to put you in your place again”

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