
How Does Jem Mature In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Harper Lee in his novel To Kill a Mockingbird, takes place in the United States unjust, racist, and discriminatory 1930’s. Introducing us to a character of Jem Finch and several other characters living in Maycomb, Alabama. Harper shows us a character who appears young, innocent, and trusting of his peers. And shows us how people of theses attributes can adult into mature men. Seen in the novel how he believes his friends that Mrs. Dubose is a vicious woman and evil due to the rumors that his friends. As well as he was fascinated by his neighbor Boo Radley for his mysteriousness and their lack of knowledge of who he is.

As seen in the story it states Jem was afraid of even walking near the house in fear of being “raked by her wrathful gaze” (Lee, 103). This shows that when his friends told him she was a witch that he was gullible to believe him. But he changes his opinion later in the novel when he has a coming of age experience where he becomes shocked by the death of his neighbor and comes even more surprised by the gift left by her for Jem. Giving him a new perspective on how to approach people and to think of someone without knowing someone, Jem learns a valuable lesson to not judge a book by its cover. Which in event has the protentional to …show more content…

As the story continues and there was a household fire. The characters were standing outside in the bitter winter night the author states “You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know it when he [Boo Radley] put the blanket around you” (Lee, 82). This gives Jem the exposer to a character being nice even when he held no obligation to be as generous as he was. Producing a coming of age experience by showing the character that putting your best foot forward when even people have been nothing but inconsiderate to you shows to be a great characteristic for someone to

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