
How Does John Proctor Show Adultery In The Crucible

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“You mad, you murderous bitch!” (p.152) This is John Proctors’ informal comeback to Abigail Williams, his former servant and adultress, while she is telling him he will be happier when his wife, Elizabeth, hangs for being a potential witch. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, John Proctor is a hard loving, stern, strong-willed man. He, along with many others, were wrongfully accused of witchcraft. Although John loved his wife very much, he committed adultery when his wife was bilious. As the play is coming to an end, John regains his “goodness” by confessing to Elizabeth and the court of his lechery, by trying to prove himself and win his wife back, and by refusing to lie and suffer his family name and another potentially accused person of witchcraft. …show more content…

Shortly after Abigail had arrived, Elizabeth grew ill. Her illness caused her and John to start to grow apart. During this time, him and Abigail had been spending a lot of time together and that caused them to grow closer. One late night, john went to Abigail's chambers and they laid together. Soon after Elizabeth found out and sent Abigail back to her Uncle Parris. This act of lechery was kept a secret, until John was standing in front of the court trying to prove his innocence. Elizabeth was accused of witchcraft and Reverend Hale showed up to inform them. Reverend Hale asked John about his kids wondering why they hadn't been baptized. “And you, Mister?” (66). Rev. Hale directed towards John; questioning his faith and memorization of the 10 commandments. Ironically, John could remember them all except “Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14), the very sin he committed. Therefore planting the seed in Hale’s mind that he was a man of the devil. John Proctor was taken to court and …show more content…

He only wanted to prove his love and devotion to Elizabeth. So much so that while in the woods secretly seeing each other John exclaimed to Abigail, “...I will cut my own hand off before before I ever reach for you again...”(23). Elizabeth knew John loved her and she actually blamed herself for John's act of

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